Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pivot Point Forex Trading

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Learn the Simple Forex Market

Forex trading is a market which is both complex and simple. How to make money is the simple part, but the implementation of the process to learn forex market can be a little difficult. Forex education can prove to be a boon for all those who are willing to try their luck in forex trading. Therefore it is very important for them to understand the ways and methods of forex trading before actually getting into it. Even if one is well experienced in trading, there is always a room for improvement even for the experts.

The forex market is surely not a game for a fresher in this field and they need to improve their skills before getting their hands wet. The fact is that many individuals who make money online keep losing money in the forex market and very few are earning millions annually. This major difference is caused by two main reasons, namely, forex trading skills and the trading system being used.

Forex trading gives a whole new option to the beginners to succeed financially. To learn Forex market and list Forex trading into one of your financial plans is a must. When an investor adapts the right trading skills, the limit to earn profits is left far behind. In other words there is no such limit defined to earn profits if the trading skills are absolutely apt. There are many trading systems that provide you with the facility of making money online. But what is required by us is to identify and understand that which one will suit the best to our requirement.

1. Note the values of the currencies
2. Know the trend ending time
3. Affect of current economy
4. Use of long term trading strategies

To succeed at currency trading, one needs to learn the right forex trading strategy which can be possible if and only if the traders follow these winning tips and to move ahead and reap huge benefits or profits.

Methods of Forecasting the Behavior of the Forex Market

Businesses which are involved in global trading need to be in a position to predict forex market behavior. This is essential for them when concluding deals / arranging for payments to protect themselves from the possible adverse outcomes of forex market behavior or gain from the situation. Being a complex exercise, guess work is not a tool at all and one has to use a scientific basis to predict forex market behavior.

This article on the forecast of behavior of the Forex Market will educate you on two methods of analysis. Though, both of them (Technical and Fundamental analysis) have vast difference between their approaches, their goal is the same. They are very effective in predicting the rise, movement or price of the forex market behavior and/or trends. To get the best outcome, fundamentalists suggest combining both of them for better results.

Primarily, there are 2 methods of predicting forex market behavior / trends:

  • Technical Analysis
  • Fundamental Analysis

There is no judgment possible on which of the above 2 methods is more reliable. They vary in their approaches and use different parameters to predict the price or a price movement. In essence, we can say that while a Technical analyst will focus on what will be the outcome i.e. the price or the movement expected, a Fundamental Analyst will lay emphasis on the "Why" of the price or the movement expected. A Technical Analyst would believe that over and above the fundamental analysis, certain other factors need to be taken into account before coming to a conclusion. A judicious mix of the two approaches is what is really sound as it is important to know the cause and also the effect i.e. the price or the movement expected taking into account all factors affecting it.

Let's try and understand how these two approaches work:

Technical Analysis:

The method focuses on understanding the prevailing market trends and tries to pinpoint any reversal of this trend and predict how the forex market is likely to behave in the future. It is more statistical in nature in the sense that this method relies heavily on historical data on prices and volumes traded and using charts to understand and interpret the behavior. Many tools are available for making such analysis like Indicators, Number Theory, Waves, Gaps, and Trends etc.

A technical analyst prefers not to waste his time on finding out how the market ought to have behaved and why it did not - he would look at only what has happened and what is the take-out from that behavior. This method believes that the historical movements of the prices do tell a story that needs to be understood.

This method also believes that such study of price movements is more useful when we are talking about a situation where price movements are caused by free market situation i.e. where demand and supply situation determine the rate and not where exchange rates are fixed artificially. (Malaysian Ringgit ( MR) was once pegged to the United Stated Dollar (USD) by the Malaysian Government at 3.76 MR to a USD). On top of all this, this method tries to understand the "market sentiment" or the emotional reaction of the market as opposed to the sentiments of the individual participants in the market.

In essence, Technical Analysis is underscored by three basic assumptions:

  • That the market discounts everything: that is to say all the happenings in the economy - let's say global economy - be they political events, statements by economic gurus , security situation, crop failures or the collapse of a bank - everything affects the forex market and has affected the prices prevailing in the market.
  • Prices move in trends: which means that there is a pattern always to the price movements which need to be studied and that they do tell us something about the existing trends and allow us to make a prediction.
  • History repeats itself: that is, mass thinking does not change dramatically over periods of time and the "wave" of mass psychological thinking moves in a familiar pattern. Only, the same needs to be understood and applied in practice.

Fundamental Analysis:

As the name suggests, this method of analysis focuses on the "fundamental" factors that are known to affect / ought to be affecting forex market rates. This method therefore is a bit traditional in approach and is typically theoretical in nature. For instance, typically, a Fundamental Analyst when asked to predict the forex market rates, would look at existing and expected interest rates, GDP growth rates, inflationary trends, weather changes affecting agricultural output, international trade balances, exchange rate policies of the countries involved , capital market status etc. before saying "I believe given these indicators, the forex market ought to be behaving this way" and would conclude whether a currency is likely to appreciate or depreciate vis- a- vis the other one. Not surprisingly, when the market rate determined is at variance with the prediction, a fundamental analyst looks flummoxed.

This kind of analysis fails to take into account that there is also something called market sentiment - simply because such a factor is not "fundamental" to the analysis because it is not predictable and not driven by rationale.

Online Trading, an Option for World Trade

International deal is substitute of capital, commodities, and services across world frames or soils. In the most of nations, it being a remarkable percentage of gross domestic product (GDP). While world deal has been represented throughout lots of story (see Silk Road, Amber Road) the economic, social, and political importance has been connected the raise in new centuries. Industrialization, manufacturers, advanced transportation system, globalisation, transnational corporations, and outsourcing are all having a major impact on the transnational trade system.

Trading globally opens consumers and nations the opportunity to be exposed to commodities and services that are not available in their individual nations. Almost each variety of product can be checked on the global market: food, clothes, spare parts, oil, jewelry, wine, stocks, currencies and water. Services are as well traded: tourism, banking, consulting and transportation. A product that is dealt to the worldwide market is an export, and a product that is bought from the worldwide market is an import. Imports and exports are described for in a country's ongoing account in the balance of payments.

According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, strong companies reach up about 4 % of U.S. Exports which signifies that 96% of exporters are smaller companies. Why is world trade so strategic to begin smaller businesses? In numerous examples, the products or services you may care to market are not available or made in your domicile nation. For illustration, consider about trading cashmere sweaters. You may want to become an importer in order to compete with established products dealt by your competitors.

Online business can oftentimes start trading internationally with very little effort. The cyberspace has metamorphosed things. Your web site can be your store window in some number of nations. You don't need a physical front in every territory to deal there.

A Paper by Georgios Papastamkos, MEP on Transnational Trade on the cyberspace emphasised that the online circumstances for smaller and medium-size enterprises are especially great since they receive more chances to get across conventional commercial systems instead than they had even a last decade. Enterprises are effective to set up their cyberspace sale targets easy, speedily and at little cost, thereby achieving a higher level of fight.

If your business is operating in a niche, with a relatively smaller domestic market, looking to another nations can help you expand your audience with surprisingly little effort. And if your commodities or services attract to a bigger audience, moving into international marketplaces makes you the probability to touch a wide number of potency recent customers. It could really boost your receipts and earnings.

However, in a larger market there will be more competition from local companies. It can be heavy to match up on cost or fulfilment when shipping internationally, so you might let to modify your proposition to have an impact.

It's not only for manufacturer but for consumers are also receiving benefits by online trading,. Since they enjoy a very bigger choice between commodities and services, competitive pricing, lower living costs and a better excellent of life, they as well don't demand to go out to browse all products and services even from wholesale providers. They are today better able to compare productions and services since they take access more selective information on online trading.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Online Trading Swing Trading, Day Trading, Scalping

During the last decade, online trading accounts has risen to a point we wonder if the full service broker should be placed on the endangered list as a protected species. Once someone opens an online brokerage account, they must decide what kind of operations to follow. For the sake of this article, we describe three ways in the last decade, online brokerage accounts have grown to the extent that trade to the benefit of persons wishing to become active traders. Swing Trading Swing trading requires the least amount of time at the computer and is usually the best way for people just starting out in online commerce. Swing trading is not a long term investment, but not a day trade with the retention time of the traffic that formed elsewhere in a few days to a few weeks. For example, if a person looked at a chart of IBM, and saw it was in an uptrend and felt that the stock is maintained in the uptrend in the coming weeks, before coming to the resistance. They could buy shares of IBM in your brokerage account online and keep the shares in the coming weeks and sell at a profit once the population reached the point of resistance. The shorter benefits can also be done with swing trading by buying stocks and holding only two or three days. In this case, people should have the momentum and volatility to move inventory in this time frame. Swing trading is a favorite of options traders. Options can be traded on day a very volatile population, but is not recommended because the options that require further progress in the underlying stock option to be profitable. Swing Trading naturally lends itself to the negotiation of options. Day Trading Day trading is self explanatory. Day trades are trades that are opened and closed in the same trading day. In order to day trade to be profitable, the target population should have the momentum and volatility that have allowed enough movement during the session to exit at a profit before the market closes. Day trading requires discipline and a proven trading system, with no space for the thrill of the operators. To succeed as a trader day requires time and effort, sometimes with years of experience before achieving success on a daily basis. Day trading also requires dedicated software real-time business in the form of graphs and other trade-related indicators. The most important thing for the day trader is to implement a trading system that is proven by the merchant of the day with a time of trial and error until a system is in place that allows the operator to be profitable. Can not be emphasized enough that a trading system is vital to the success of an operator. Scared money and emotion have no place in an environment of daily transactions. Scared money and emotion have done more to deplete and destroy more trading accounts than any other factor. Speculation Speculation is a form of day trading that reduces the retention time of a few hours to a few minutes. When a trader places a scalp trade is with the intention of buying a stock or futures contract and selling everything in minutes. Scalp trading is only for experienced traders and is not recommended for anyone who has not spent hours of negotiation and different test systems. Scalp trading is not designed to gain huge profits in a dealer trade, but to win the small trader profits many times during the session. Some futures traders can place operations of the scalp to 20 or more times during a trading session. The idea is to have more winning trades to losing trades at the end of the day. Scalp trading is an experience of knocking on the door and is only for the most disciplined of traders. Trading can be fun and profitable if you're willing to take the time and educate themselves on different time frames. Swing trading is by far the easiest and least expensive way for someone new venture into the commercial arena. The time devoted to learning to read charts and other technical analysis is the most important to master and profitable as an online merchant.

Be Familiar On Day Trading Basic

During the session, at any time the trader always knows best action BID or ASK price. A person wishing to trade currencies not need a lot of money to invest. It can operate from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection, as many financial bookmakers now have online platforms that address. Some facts you should know to Day Trading: 1. The day's trading signals are the signals obtained when the stock bounced off support levels or sometimes even off resistance, if necessary. 2. In the operations of the day, you win many more transactions than anyone could just trade normally. 3. One of the greatest enemies of a trading system are the transaction costs. 4. The longer the stock stays at a certain level, the better the day trading signal of support. 5. Day trading is a very demanding and costly. Some benefits of the trading day: 1. Secondly, day trading can lower speculation that the employer can not see a lot of variation in the values over a period of one day. 2. First, is a safer way for people who do not have a lot of expertise in securities transactions, therefore, can easily track their stocks during the day and sell them as soon as they see an increase in the value . 3. One of the great advantages of Forex Trading is that you can buy currency when it was devalued, making a profit when it gains ground. 4. Awareness Day on equity trading at peaks allows an operator to maximize market performance. Some Tips for Day Trading: 1. If you invest your money in transactions a day, make sure you do not put all their hard-earned savings into one, as this could be very dangerous for you. 2. Essential fundamentals trading day is determining which of these systems is best suited for the beginner investor. 3. Collect trading day are the best offerings of shares that are available for daily transactions. 4. The benefits and risks must be weighed carefully, and the decision taken in an educated knowledge of transactions daily, and only by taking risks. 5. It is always best to start with a small position size in day trading, until you get the hang of the system. Forex Trading; Currency trading is the final liquid market, often with a volume of 50 to 100 times the shares trade on the NYSE, and due to the nature of the currencies and the multiple factors controlling its value No one has a fundamental advantage or market penetration. There are many forex trading companies that can be trained to day trade, so their transactions are not limited to gambling. Day trading, despite differences in time zones around the world, is also popular because the forex market is open 24 hours a day. Trading Platforms: Recognizing the trading software is an easy task, since the basic requirement is a data provider that will help you analyze the market before you start trading online. Commercial software is not only important but necessary to survive in today's competitive marketplace. Some commercial media: 1. While there are many days that make traders trade only with the team, others negotiated by telephone and mobile phones. 2. With the advent of the Internet, anyone can benefit from Forex Trading. Day traders should be: 1. Day traders more special with the purchase and no sale of the baseline. 2. A person is considered an operator when you can get four or more trades a day in a period of five days of business and commerce has not met two days calls in 90 days. 3. In daily operations, the merchant does not have reservations until the next day, but get rid of him facing the end of the day.

Forex Broker- From Indonesia, Singapore, Malayasia, Australia- We Show You How To Find The Best

Perfect Forex Broker No matter if you live in Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malayasia, Thailiand, United Kingdom, United States there are some forex brokers to use. So how quickly can establish that Forex broker is best? This article very likely to attract more beginners FOREX experienced FOREX traders. Why you ask? The answer is quite simple - beginners of research for currency traders who are not veterans. novices base their search on such standards: avaiability of demo accounts, the availability of mini accounts; low PIP spreads, the difference in levels of leverage. informed investors, by contrast, are always looking stableness. There is nothing more disheartening than having to change agents and over again. And stableness comes from other important components, such as the reputation of the brokerage, the country in which it is based and regulations of that country FOREX and perhaps other characteristics, such as types of trading platforms, charts, etc. Regardless of trade skill level, game of the powerful Forex broker has never been easier. Ads currency brokers abound on the net these days and is responsible for half of the hunting process. The rest of the search can be considered the nitty gritty part of the process. This is where we consider the Forex broker based on its standards. And if you're just starting operations in FOREX, what rules of your being? The answer again is very simple - look at the rules of novices mentioned above. And to help make your decision is right, add in the rules that experienced traders base their searches on (also mentioned above). However, a rule of thumb for beginners should be constantly looking for a broker that offers demo accounts. Needless to say that beginners should take full advantage of demo accounts. Most brokers will allow you to open a demo account with them for free and without obligation. Demo accounts are the only way to get a good feel of currency trading. There are brokers that provide free graphics. Free charts are a very good complement to the demo account. The combination of these two services to help newcomers form a good basis for FOREX trading habits that will continue to evolve as they gain more experience and more on the road. It is important for beginners to realize that no one person or one bank that controls all the operations occurring in the FOREX market. To be so many major currencies, transactions can come from anywhere in the world. Therefore, having a knowledge broker and trusted to guide you through the process should help prevent the adoption of measures in the wrong way. There is nothing more educational than having someone explain the reason behind every action. Finding a Forex broker is definitely in your best interest if you are just beginning. Finding a good is their only advantage and could easily be the difference between profitable trade and lose all their money. Participating in the foreign exchange market is easy. Getting good advice can be more complicated. If you have done due diligence in finding the right Forex broker, you will feel much more confident about the long-term success of your forex trading activities. - In search of a good Forex broker has never been easier. There are many currency brokers with particularly deals waiting for you. Watch this video about how to find the powerful Forex broker now to get started. Help you find many FOREX brokers and private offerings that can help you on your way to make money trading Forex.

Forex MegaDroid - Multi-Market Condition Top Performer Autopilot Robot + Free Bonus worth more than usd100

MegaDroid Forex is the most talked about Forex robot in recent years and we can all understand why ... The most anticipated Forex robot in the last 21 years is finally LIVE ... A true multi-robot market trends, not trends, volatile, nonvolatile ... Forex MegaDroid nails a rate of 95.82% accuracy (a total of 100 shops, 95 profitable!). Old technology based on the robots are a thing of the past ... no more than "market condition" robots ... produce a large profit in a market, give everything away when the conduct of market changes. The robot has been a MegaDroid Forex 300.20% NET proflt the last 3 months of 2009. That is 100% (double bill) performance every month! What benefits did before that? Check it out my link below, and get free currency murderer, unhurried London forex, free Gold Miner, free TrendForexSignal and many more worth over U.S. $ 100. (Http: / / P.S. Forex MegaDroid is released at a special price, which happens after the launch by at least 50%. The options are simple, get the number MegaDroid Forex market performance of robots currently the special launch price or higher at a higher price. It's so easy to make money, in fact, if you act now to make money in the next hour! You will be living the dream of ATMs ... free time to do what they want ... lots of money to buy what they want ... vacation when you want and not when you can ... Absolutely bring benefits to you. Perfect!

Forex Signal Provider? Which One?

So you decided to make full time leaving from foreign exchange market? Or you are going to supplement your income from here? You have set up yourself with proper broker available. I believe you spent hundred of hours in front of PC trying to put together all maths and physics involving currency market. Now you watching business news in the morning paper and following CNBC channel to be on top with the latest information from exchange market. You trading your demo account trying to figure out how to make it all work? So? Does it? No? Face the fact that in currency market all is possible and there is no golden rule to follow. There are so many aspects to consider that you will need at least another head to set this puzzle together. But do not worry there is a hope that can make it work. Signal solutions for forex trading. People who traded forex for a long time and developed their own systems to enter and exit with profit strategies. They will share this knowledge with you for varieties of prices from usd49 to usd499 a month for those precious information. Problem is which one will suit you best. Are they scams? How do I know? For medium advanced forex trader is almost impossible to choose proper forex signal system, which is not a scam, or at least not profitable. There is bulk of forex signals providers out there. They all offer their signal solution to trade currency with success. Advice is that you will have to establish what type of trader are you? Do you want to trade quickly or maybe over the days or weeks? What losses can you manage and how much money you want to invest. As long as you to know that it is a time to pick up signal trade provider. Few things worth researching are: performance, service offered and rewievs of the signal. Search on another forum for users of the product you are interested in and ask for comment. Every profitable system should be up on collective2 with real track performance. Look for service offered. You will quickly find out that only few offer free trail-option to try signals before you pay. Demand performance evidence. But while doing all that hard work choosing your Automat forex signal system remember that you will have to totally follow it without exceptions to make most out of it. Any even small innovation may have dramatic results in your own gains. Remember that your future profits will depend on your signal provider so calculate carefully and make smart decisions. So I decided to make full time leaving from forex market? Or that will supplement your income from here? You've established good runner available. I believe that hundreds of hours spent in front of PC trying to put together all the math and physics involving currency market. Now watching the news of the morning paper and after CNBC channel to be at the top with the latest information from exchange market. That trade in your demo account trying to figure out how to make everything work? And? Or did I? No? Facing the fact that the currency market, everything is possible and there is no golden rule to follow. There are many aspects to bear in mind that you need at least another head to set up this puzzle. But do not worry, there is a hope that can make it work. Signal solutions for the trade. People who trade currencies for a long time and have developed their own systems to enter and exit with profit strategies. They share this knowledge with you to the variety of prices usd49 to usd499 a month for those precious information. It is a problem that will suit you best. Are they scams? How do I know? Through advanced currency trader is almost impossible to choose the correct signal to the foreign exchange system, which is not a scam, or at least unprofitable. There are many signal providers out there. They offer their solution to the signal currency trading success. Council is that you must establish what kind of trader are you? Want to trade quickly or maybe over the days or weeks? What losses can be handled and the amount of money to invest. While knowing that it is time to pick up a signal trade provider. Few things worth researching are: performance, service and rewievs of the signal. Search on another forum for users of the product that interests you and ask for comment. Each system should be profitable in collective2 the real track performance. Look for the service. You will quickly find that only few offer free-path option to treat the signs before you pay. The demand for performance testing. But while doing everything the hard work of your choice automatically forex signal system remember that you will have to keep completely without exceptions to the most out of it. Any innovation, even small can have dramatic results in their own profits. Remember that your future will depend on the benefits of your signal provider so calculate carefully and make smart decisions.

Successful Forex Trading: Forex Hates Procrastinators

What have you given today? Something important to do that did not end doing? Well I am sorry to say this, but not much forex as you, who does not actually come out and say this, but they are definatley eating all their money. Why lazy flounder in the currency market? 1. They get out of a very long corridor, and then often make a bad choice. 2. Do not do any research or participate in education and thus ending the game. 3. The disorder of blogs and forums with information about their incessant screams Forex is a scam and nobody gives them $ 20, because they are good for him. 4. They are often emotional about the trade and is too excited after a good trade or try to take revenge on the market after a bad loss. Does this seem a successful traders think of you? Of course not. Are you guilty of any of these things? If you get it sorted as soon as possible, or not my cause, but on their own. It is not my money they are out of play. "But I thought foreign investment is not gambling?" Thank you! I do not play in forex, i spend, i know that many other traders to invest well. What is the difference? My friend's education, education. We know what we are doing, and make decisions about where we want our money, a foreign player wakes in the morning and only then, and decides that it will eliminate a little more money. No research, do not even know what that looks like a chart, just go with uneducated intuitions. But let's stop talking about change before the players have a stroke, what about successful traders? 1. These agents for research, and then choose one and stick to it until the broker gives reason not to. 2. They are always learning. What is a better indicator to use? What have I done wrong in the last week? This is the kind of thing that aggravates the trade sword so strong that it could reduce the space and time. 3. Do not post often, you can not always put on a forum or blog. For them it is about learning to speak foreign currency and prefer to listen. Humble, no? 4. Keep their cool. They know that a victory may become a loss, and vice versa in the next 5 minutes. They have the experience and have already established their offices to accommodate a shift in fortune. They are in control. Thus the majority. Therefore, the main point of this whole text is to realize that if you can not even take a shower when you wake up in the morning, how are you ever going to succeed in something as demanding, but equally as rewarding as forex ? You do not hate you is because forex.

Course on Forex Trading

Course on Forex Trading The term used to describe the trading of the currencies of the various countries of the world is called foreign exchange, forex or just FX. More than 1.5 trillion USD worth trade activities are conducted in the worlds largest forex market. The forex trade is not conducted by a central exchange unlike stock trading. Telephone or electronic networks are used to connect the two counterparts all over the world to make a trade. Moreover the forex market offers several advantages over equities trading. Moneymaking or wealth creation is the main goal behind any trade. The opportunities in FX are boundless and it far exceeds the slim margins and picks of other markets like equity or share trading. Moreover the risk involved is also much less and to top it all forex trading can be conducted 24 hours a day. There are always buyers and sellers available, who make this trade more liquid and stable among all others. The banks too provide liquidity to investors, companies and institutions. Just like any other financial instrument forex trading also involves a deep analysis about the fundamental and technical truths associated with the trade. Keeping in mind the general interest of traders looking forward to invest in forex, many forex trading courses are available. The main aim of this Forex Trading Course is to impart the necessary knowledge about the fundamental procedures and tips on better and professional trading policies. Forex trading courses offer valuable information related to the impacts on global currencies, market risks, market trends etc.. it not only benefits the new trader who wants to set foot on alien grounds, but also the existing investors who wish to brush up their tricks of the trade. All the aspects of the forex trading, using the latest software's and tools are what the Forex Trading course material is comprised of. Step by step guidance on trade environments, technical analysis, risk management, trading rules, global markets, economic and market indication etc are provided along with the hands on practical guidance from the experienced tutors from all around the globe. Many factors are to be considered before you make a decision to do Forex trading course. 'Knowledge is power' for all our daily diplomatic living. Knowledge on what we do and how we do, especially trading will not only enhance our business dealings but will also allow us to differentiate and track down market conditions. Managing our finance wisely will save us the fear and anxiety about our meek and unpredictable future. Forex trading courses often outline these basic business strategies in their course material. Forex trading courses are available as online courses and also through printed books. Free tutorials and financial guidance is also provided by many web sites. Choosing a professional Forex Trading Course will provide you with details on • The best time to trade specific currencies like Euro • How to anticipate movements and trends in the global market • Which pairs of currency to trade • Best time to enter the forex market • Market conditions and tips about efficient trading from experts • Technical indicators Overall a forex trading course should be a completecurrency trading solution for all the queries regarding forex and its effective options trading. Course on Forex Trading The term used to describe the trading of currencies from different countries of the world is called foreign exchange, currency or FX. More than 1.5 trillion USD worth trade activities are conducted in the worlds largest foreign exchange market. Foreign trade is conducted by an exchange of shares, unlike trading. Telephone or electronic networks are used to connect the two counterparts across the world to make a trade. In addition, the forex market offers several advantages over trading activities. Moneymaking or creation of wealth is the main goal behind any trade. Opportunities in FX are boundless and far exceeds it picks slim margins and other capital markets, such as or part of trading. In addition, the risk involved is also much less and to top it all forex trading can be conducted 24 hours a day. There are always buyers and sellers are available that make this trade more liquid and stable among all the others. The banks too provide liquidity for investors, companies and institutions. Like any other financial instrument involving currency trading is also a profound analysis of technical and fundamental truths about trade. Given the general interest of traders looking forward to invest in foreign currency, many forex trading courses available. The primary objective of this Forex Trading Course is to impart knowledge on the fundamental procedures and tips on better and professional trading policies. Forex trading courses provide valuable information regarding the impact on global currencies, market risks, market trends, etc. This not only benefits new trader who wants to set foot on alien grounds, but also existing investors who want to brush their tricks of the trade. All aspects of forex trading, using the latest software and tools are what Forex Trading Course is comprised of material. Step by step guidance on trade environments, technical analysis, risk management, trading rules, global markets, economic and market indication etc are provided with hands on practical guidance from experienced tutors from all the worldwide. Many factors are to be considered before making a decision to do Forex trading course. "Knowledge is power" for all our daily diplomatic living. Knowledge on what we do and how we do, especially trading will not only enhance our business relationships, but also allows us to differentiate and monitor the market conditions. Managing our finance wisely will save us from fear and anxiety about the unpredictable future and meek. Forex trading scheme often these courses based business strategies in their material. Forex trading courses are available as online courses and also through printed books. Free tutorials and financial guidance is also provided by several websites. Choosing a professional Forex Trading Course will provide details on • Best time to trade specific coins • How to anticipate movements and trends in world market • What currency pairs to trade • Best time to enter the forex market • market conditions and tips on effective marketing to the experts • Technical indicators In total, a currency trading should be a currency trading complete solution for all questions relating to currency and efficient trading options.

Managing Forex Accounts Made Simple

Forex is a complex business which needs to be managed with extreme care and detail. However, many investors who enjoy a high investment income from foreign currency accounts multiple or large do not have the time or energy to go behind their management. This is where the notion of a Forex managed account comes into play. Companies with forex brokers experienced and trained to manage forex accounts managed on behalf of their clients. Contrary to popular belief that managed forex accounts are prone to fraud and money laundering, a managed forex account is much safer and better investment strategy of high self-monitoring return Forex accounts. Advantages of a Forex Managed Account Forex trading is an option with extreme potential - both for profits and losses. With shopping malls across the open world of 24-hours a day, running a forex account with a high return on investment at risk is difficult, but if done with skill, is bound to succeed. Time is a controlling factor in the forex market. Managed forex accounts are enormously beneficial in Forex Trading and Forex fund managers can maintain operations during the day. Any purchase or sale of opportunity may be charged in the currency in the accounts managed by dealing with them in time. Managed forex accounts also low investment firms, which eliminates the considerable financial risk. And the fact that currency trading is not composed of a closed period, the Forex fund manager can withdraw the money invested in the market immediately. A managed forex account is ideal for large-scale amateur investors who are reluctant or unable to manage their currency trading accounts for themselves. How do you identify the Ideal Forex Managed Account while the industry is replete with several companies offering managed foreign exchange accounts, as services to interested investors, for the latter to identify and select the one that best suits. There are several factors to consider in mind before opting for a managed forex final. The size of investment and risk potential are two major concerns. The complete program cost currency managed fund should also be checked with the standards of the industry before settling on the final currency managed account service provider. Forex managed accounts vary in their initial investment application. Some require thousands of dollars, while some require a certain amount. Usually the biggest investment, the greater the potential risk, and proportionally greater the reward. Therefore, to obtain a personal account forex managed, one must be aware of the combination of both and locate a Forex fund manager accordingly. Self-monitored forex trading is often done as a hobby or part time trade as a professional act. Managed forex accounts, however, are difficult business projects. Professional advice and thorough investigation with bulletins, etc. are needed before starting to invest money. The best investment strategy for the currency is always to test the waters before taking the plunge!

Forex Auto Pilot Review

Forex Market is the world's largest market. Every day at least $ 2 to $ 3 billion transaction takes place in the market. The Forex market is a market that works non stop 24/7/365. There are plenty of opportunities to profit in the currency market. At the same time is a very risky market. Forex traders often end up with huge losses. Most of those released are rookies. Today there are many automated trading systems in foreign exchange market and only a few have shown the tracks. Forex Auto Pilot is one that has proven outstanding records. Forex Auto Pilot is developed by Marcus Leary, a money changer employee used to work with various mathematical algorithms to analyze trends in the currency market. Using its experience, teamed up with Steven Strauss, a software developer, and together they created Forex autopilot. Forex autopilot This project is developed especially for beginners who do not have much business experience. Forex Auto Pilot you are coherent and consistent revenue stream, but never a get rich scheme. Forex Auto Pilot Implementation is very simple. It is necessary to understand the Forex autopilot system very clearly so that you can actually make operations profitable. I have some feedback from some of the forex traders who bought this software and tried it. The feedback I have is positive. They said they are doing many benefits but also the feedback that some took a day and some took two days and some even took a week to start making profits. For anyone to start making profits with Forex Auto Pilot they need to understand how the autopilot is the currency of work and the strategy that is working. It may be that some Forex traders can take a few minutes and some may take a day or some may take a week to understand the Forex Auto Pilot System. The sooner it is understood that the sooner you start making profits. Once you understand the Forex Autopilot System, then you can do to make Forex Auto Pilot operations for you even while you sleep! The following are the features of Forex Auto Pilot: 24 / 7 2. Recognizes trends and undercurrents 3. MetaTrade4 platform works in a trading platform that is very popular 4. It is based on mathematical models and algorithms 5. Easy to operate 6. You can monitor multiple markets simultaneously 7. Provides customer support round clock 8. Money-Back Guarantee if not satisfied during the first 56 days (8 weeks) 9. Affordability Bonus Forex autopilot: Bonus 1: Robot nonfarm payroll Add This unique trading robot was developed to automate MetaTrader4 commercial risk in high yield significant economic news, as nonfarm payroll. 5 minutes before the NFP event it opens 5 pending buy and 5 sell orders automatically with optimized distances between the current price calculating several factors. When the opportunity opens the robot starts the trade to increase profits and minimize risk using trailing stop. A money maker powerful rakes in thousands of dollars every month and is an incredible bonus. Estimated value: $ 235 Bonus 2: Ultra Trend Robot Ultra-trend advisor is one of the best and most effective instruments of technical analysis. It detects trend, strength of the trend is, support and resistance levels. Can be used for Elliot waves and Fibonacci levels! This indicator surpasses all well-known indicators like ADX, Stochastic, moving average. You can develop your own risk and profitable system based on Ultra-Trend. Easy to install with a few mouse clicks, it helps you get a feel for the market. This is ideal for people who not only want to make money with Forex Autopilot robots but to learn and understand why they do it:) Estimated value: $ 149 BONUS 3 (incredible): Up to $ 500 Forex Auto Pilot, in fact, is so successful that they are giving each user a bonus of up to $ 500 (five hundred) dollars! There was an agreement with a well known brokerage that credits each user's Forex Auto Pilot to $ 500 bonus on your deposit. You do not have to pay more for the platform. The real price of Forex Auto Pilot is $ 399.50. Now there's a coupon of 75% discount is available and for a limited period. Forex Auto Pilot is recommended for both novice and experienced Forex traders who really want to make a profit consistently, even while sleeping

What to Know When Learning to Trade Forex

This article will help you identify the learning method of Forex right on your personality and goals. Keep in mind when learning to trade Forex, each of these learning methods can lead to success. At some point, you may want to use the 3 methods of learning to trade Forex, especially when the experience can be very cost effective for yourselves. By reading this article, see the Forex learning method is obvious. That is the most probable is that you should follow. (To see the method you choose, mark the end of the article.) Learning to trade Forex: Learn Yourself You may want to learn to trade currencies yourself. There are a lot of training materials and people that dedicated to the teaching of Forex Trading. If you are the type of person who likes to themseleves all, this could be the right method for you. Just keep in mind there is a learning curve. Like any new skill you learn, you can not wait to learn everything you need to know overnight. If you go this route, find excellent training materials and then engage in learning during a period of months. Do not get frustrated if you do not understand everything immediately. Here is something about learning the currency in this way I draw your attention. Not so caught up in learning to trade Forex that never applies what he learns. After all, the ultimate goal is to profit from forex market, not only understand, right? There are plenty of people who know a lot about Forex Trading, they do not apply what they know or make money. Do not be one of them. Learning to trade Forex: hire an expert If you are planning to invest heavily in the forex market, you may want to hire an expert. For a fee, there are Forex traders who will be happy to exchange your money for you. Some of you reading this might feel more comfortable just to let someone else do all the trading for you. While you can hire someone to currency trading for you, you still want to learn something about Forex Trading. While not to be an expert in itself (after all, that's what we're paying, right?), Still loves you enough to be able to choose the right operator. The more I know personally about Forex Trading, the easier it is to identify the right professional for your needs and objectives. Learning to trade Forex: Using an EA (Expert Advisor) Robot Believe it or not, there are automated Forex Robots designed to make the trade for you. Again, you'll want at least a working knowledge of Forex, but basically, the robot does everything for you. This is one of the fastest ways to get into Forex Trading, ND may be one of the most profitable. Instead of having to solve everything by themselves, these robots are programmed by professionals to respond to certain market indicators. How well they do depends on how well they are programmed, and how well they react to events in the currency trading market. While even a robot can not be perfect all the time, some Forex robots can be surprisingly accurate. One of the good things go this route is the elimination of the excitement of your currency trading. It is never a good idea to let human emotions such as greed or fear to dictate the form in that trade. And the use of a preprogrammed robot can keep you from making costly mistakes. Besides, it's just a whole lot easier to configure and run while you're doing other things in life. You have made an important discovery in the Forex Market. Currency Trading is a tremendous opportunity. The next step is so important ... How can it work for you. Base how they used to learn Forex trading based on their personal goals and personality. What method was taken? Well, I have never really become a "Forex Guru" or invest large sums of money in the beginning. I was not the time nor the skills to learn and implement all Forex Trading for myself. On the other hand, was not thinking of spending a large amount of money in the currency market for the hiring of a professional trader is an option. But I wanted to take this opportunity to build wealth to learn to trade Forex offers, so it opted for an automated Forex robot. If you realize what a great opportunity to Forex Trading is to do what I did. Identify which method of learning to trade Forex is right for you, then start immediately. This is one of those rare occasions that can change your life and your future, and wish him much success.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Planning: A Key to Successful Trading

From time to time I get some very interesting confessions. Here is a very recent one, along with a solution.

"Hey Joe! I had been looking at a profitable trade setup all day. I studied indicator after indicator looking for confirmation, even though I know many are correlated and redundant. But I just kept on searching. I thought, ’Maybe I missed something.’ My account is now so small that I just wanted to be sure that this was the right trade. My thought was that I must take into consideration anything and everything that could cause this trade to fail. I can’t afford to lose any more money. What should I do?"

Well, my friend, you need to be able to make a decision, but you can’t do it if you are trading undercapitalized and making your trading decisions out of fear and uncertainty.

You are suffering from too much analysis. You are looking at so many things, you no longer can see straight. If you keep on over-analyzing your trades, it may develop into a deep-seated psychological problem.

Carefully analyzing the possible consequences of your trading decisions is healthy, but it becomes unhealthy when it is overdone. When it comes to trading, it’s important to have a clearly defined trading plan. You want to be sure that any given trade is not going to wipe out your trading account. That is one of the reasons we want you to use a time stop in addition to a money stop. When you use both types of stops you are clearly defining the signs and signals that indicate your trading plan is not working, suggesting that you should close out the trade to protect your capital.

Trading, by its very nature, is uncertain. There is little that can be described as security for traders. Every trade is a new event, and every entry is an entirely new business. A trader does not have the luxury of living from his past accomplishments.

If you have an unquenchable thirst for certainty, then trading is not for you. Uncertainty in trading is co-equal with insecurity. If money represents security to you, you have a real problem as a trader. Losing money not only costs you your financial security, but also your emotional security.

You don’t have time to realize that prices have supported two ticks away from your entry about forty times in the past. You don’t have time to see that you are trading right into overhead selling. You don’t have time to notice that if prices break out of yesterday’s high, they will also probably take out a Ross hook. You don’t have time to see where prices are in relation to the trend line. You don’t have time to really grasp the overall trend, or the wave that is going counter trend. You don’t have time to really consider where you will place your stop. You don’t have time to read the market and to see what it might be telling you.

All of these things can be done ahead of time. If you do not do your homework, you will end up chasing markets in a desperate attempt to get into "the big move."

How to Make Consistent ProfitsTrading Futures Part II

How to Make Consistent ProfitsTrading Futures Part II

Direct Access Electronic Trading

The issue of direct access is an important one and it becomes more important the more short term your trading is. The market can change from a state of seeming paralysis to one of shocking volatility and activity in a flash. The length of time it takes between you deciding to enter an order and the order actually being in the market is obviously important. When I first started trading I used a phone broker and was dismayed that my fills would often be so far from the price the market was trading when I first entered the order.

The first time I visited the trading floor, I discovered why. When I called in an order, first my discount(!) broker would check my account equity, then he would call a phone booth on the floor, the phone broker on the floor would then write the order down and pass it on (by phone) to a booth next to the appropriate pit, at that booth my order would be written down again and then signaled to a broker in the pit to be executed.

As you can imagine this would take quite a long time, even longer of course if the market was very active, as this would mean that the broker in the pit would be too occupied to take new orders. Compare this to my experience of trading as a pit trader. In the pit I was in the heart of the market and could observe every single order as it was executed (there was no delay in my price feed!). To initiate a trade, whether it was to buy or sell at the market, or join the bid or the offer, all I had to do was open my mouth. You can start to see the huge advantage that trading on the floor gave me over off floor traders; and that doesn’t take into consideration the fact that my round trip costs fell by 96%.

Now the floor no longer exists, not in Europe at least, so why talk about the advantages of pit trading? Well the level playing field is now open to all, but very few take advantage of it. Trading with an electronic trading platform is exactly the same as trading in the pit, except I can sit down, it is much quieter and there are no crude jokes flying around. I can trade with the click of a mouse; my order shoots to the exchange, enters in the market and appears back on my screen before I have time to blink. I think the advantages of direct access trading are clear and any futures trader still using a phone broker should move to direct access, they will also find their commissions are less (around £8 for private client traders).

The next question that arises is why trade futures? That is an important consideration given that there are a variety of alternatives vying for your trading capital (spread betting, CFDs and options), but in my opinion, futures are the only option (no pun intended) for successful short term trading.

What are Your Options Regarding Forex Options Brokers?

What are Your Options Regarding Forex Options Brokers?

Forex option brokers can generally be divided into two separate categories: forex brokers who offer online forex option trading platforms and forex brokers who only broker forex option trading via telephone trades placed through a dealing/brokerage desk. A few forex option brokers offer both online forex option trading as well a dealing/brokerage desk for investors who prefer to place orders through a live forex option broker.

The trading account minimums required by different forex option brokers vary from a few thousand dollars to over fifty thousand dollars. Also, forex option brokers may require investors to trade forex options contracts having minimum notional values (contract sizes) up to $500,000. Last, but not least, certain types of forex option contracts can be entered into and exited at any time while other types of forex option contracts lock you in until expiration or settlement. Depending on the type of forex option contract you enter into, you might get stuck the wrong way with an option contract that you can not trade out of. Before trading, investors should inquire with their forex option brokers about initial trading account minimums, required contract size minimums and contract liquidity.

There are a number of different forex option trading products offered to investors by forex option brokers. We believe it is extremely important for investors to understand the distinctly different risk characteristics of each of the forex option trading products mentioned below that are offered by firms that broker forex options.

Plain Vanilla Forex Options Broker - Plain vanilla options generally refer to standard put and call option contracts traded through an exchange (however, in the case of forex option trading, plain vanilla options would refer to the standard, generic option contracts that are traded through an over-the-counter (OTC) forex dealer or clearinghouse). In simplest terms, vanilla forex options would be defined as the buying or selling of a standard forex call option contract or forex put option contract.

There are only a few forex option broker/dealers who offer plain vanilla forex options online with real-time streaming quotes 24 hours a day. Most forex option brokers and banks only broker forex options via telephone. Vanilla forex options for major currencies have good liquidity and you can easily enter the market long or short, or exit the market any time day or night.

Vanilla forex option contracts can be used in combination with each other and/or with spot forex contracts to form a basic strategy such as writing a covered call, or much more complex forex trading strategies such as butterflies, strangles, ratio spreads, synthetics, etc. Also, plain vanilla options are often the basis of forex option trading strategies known as exotic options.

Exotic Forex Options Broker - First, it is important to note that there a couple of different forex definitions for "exotic" and we don’t want anyone getting confused. The first definition of a forex "exotic" refers to any individual currency that is less broadly traded than the major currencies. The second forex definition for "exotic" is the one we refer to on this website - a forex option contract (trading strategy) that is a derivative of a standard vanilla forex option contract.

Why you need to develop your own forex trading system

There are many forex trading systems and trading strategies out there. There are many free ones printed in forex trading articles, journals, books and on trading-related websites. You can buy them as software or you can subscribe to them periodically.

Novice traders say they do not have the time, the aptitude, the talent nor the brains to work out how to trade properly. They would rather purchase a program or subscribe to a forex trading system for hundreds - or in some cases - thousands of dollars. They say they do not have to do anything except be told what to buy, when to buy and how much of it you need to buy. Some ask me if this strategy or approach is advisable for trading the forex markets. To answer this question, I am then forced to consider the advantages and disadvantages of using such an approach to trading.

There are reasons why a trader would use a forex trading system or forex trading strategy that someone else developed and tested:

  1. It is easy. A novice trader does not need to study how the forex market works and how he interacts with that market. He does not need to educate himself: he does not need to bother with books and seminars. He does not need to test the trading system, since the seller has already done that for him and reported promising hypothetical or actual results.

  2. A novice trader hopes to get a forex trading system at a ’bargain’ price... sometimes even for free.

Hazards of trading a forex system or strategy developed and tested by someone else are the following:
  1. Faulty Trading Systems

    There are many faulty forex systems out there. They may be faulty because their assumptions and their mechanisms may no longer be true, accurate or valid. As a novice trader, how can you distinguish between the good systems and the bad systems if you don’t know how trading systems are built?

  2. Discipline and confidence

    All systems have drawdown periods. Some good forex trading systems may not make money for six months or an entire year. Even if it was a good system, can you continue to follow it even if it gives you a loss after a loss after a loss? How can you follow it if you do not have confidence in it? How can you be confident if you do not know the ins and outs of the system and if you have not tested it yourself?

I do not believe that people would blindly follow a system even if they were told that it would bring them riches. I can give someone a forex trading system, I can supply him with exceptional hypothetical or actual results and still, he would not be able to follow it.

I remember giving my dad a fully-mechanical forex trading system I developed. I told him a few simple rules and I told him not to question them. All he had to do was to follow them. We both traded it for two months, I grew my small account by roughly 50% (it happened to be a good two months), but he was losing. He wondered why. I asked to see his trading records. When I looked at his trading records, I found that he kept disobeying the rules. When I asked him why he disobeyed them, he wanted to improve the results after it had a couple of losing trades. He was trying to improve the results. According to him, the system asked him to do what he thought was not right during certain market conditions, so he did not follow it.

To overcome the hazards above, I see no way except for a trader to learn how to develop his own trading system. This is the only way a trader can know if a particular trading system or strategy is good or not.

Once a trader learns how to develop forex trading systems and strategies, he can then be better equipped to test them as well. By this point he might even find that he is better off using the system he created, because it becomes increasingly difficult to find another system more suited to his profit objectives while operating within his risk tolerance levels. It is likely that once he develops this level of competence, he will simply acquire other systems only to dissect them, grab the parts he likes and add them to his own system. To me, the irony is that for a trader to know which system to purchase, he must first learn how to create a system. And after knowing how to create a trading system, he will no longer have the need to buy one.

In conclusion then, I would have to say that if you are not inclined to learn how to develop your own trading methodology, then perhaps you should consider giving your money for someone else to invest. Give it to someone who is trading a system that he developed and tested himself because he is more likely to have the confidence and courage to follow his own set of rules.

Why do Forex Trading?

So.. you want to make lots of money in forex trading? Well, before you get your feet wet....let me refresh your mind why forex trading is such a hot money maker...

The cash/spot FOREX markets have certain unique attributes that offer an unmatched potential for profitable trading in any market condition or any stage of the business cycle. It leaves one to wonder why bother in the first place?

Forex trading offers people who trade:

A 24-hour market: A forex trader has the chance to take advantage of all of the profitable market conditions at any time; which means that there is no waiting for the start like the New York Stock exchange.

Highest liquidity Possible: The FOREX market is the most liquid market in the world. That means that a trader can enter or exit the market whenever they want during almost any market condition minimal execution barriers or risk and no daily trading limit.

High leverage ratio: It has a leverage ratio of up to 400 is normal when compared to a leverage ratio of 2 in the equity markets. Of course, this makes trading in the cash/spot forex market awkward a swell because it makes the risk of the down side loss much higher in the same way that it makes the profit potential on the upside much prettier.

Low cost per transaction: The retail transaction cost is actually less than 0.1% under the normal market conditions. At larger dealers, the spread could be less than 5 pips, and may expand a great deal in fast moving markets.

Always a good market: A trade in the FOREX market means selling or buying one currency against another. In essence, a bull market or a bear market for a currency is defined in terms of the outlook for value against other currencies. If the outlook is positive, you get a bull market where a trader profits by buying the currency against other currencies.

Inter-bank market: The foundation of the FOREX market consists of a global network of dealers that communicate and trade with their clients through electronic networks and telephones. There are no organized exchanges like in futures that are there to serve as a central location to facilitate transactions the way the New York Stock Exchange serves the equity markets.

No one can corner the market: The FOREX market is so large and has so many participants that no single trader, even a central bank, can control the market price for an extended period of time.

It is not completely Unregulated: The FOREX market is seen as an unregulated market although the operations of major dealers like commercial banks in money centers are regulated under the banking laws.

For the average person who is willing to get into forex trading, this market is just a better bet. With it being so wide open like it is, you have a higher gross potential than with any other trade type.

What is forex Trading

What is forex Trading

Foreign Exchange Market, or Forex as it is commonly called, is an international exchange market to buy and sell different currencies from around the world. An investor has the ability to buy and sell these currencies in order to create gains from small movements in the value of one currency over another. The forex market is open from Monday at 0:00 GMT until Friday at 10:00 GMT. For this reason Forex traders are not limited to the general time constraints of the New York Stock Exchange or NASDAQ.

This versatility attracts many investors to become Forex traders. The liquidity of the Foreign Exchange Market is also very attractive for the Forex investor as trades range from 1 to 1.5 trillion dollars on a daily basis. These massive amounts of trades make it extremely difficult for any one trader to affect the market.

Foreign Exchange Trading is simply the purchase and sales of currency based on the strength of the currency and the fluctuation in the value of that currency. For example, if one were to invest $1,000 against the British pound at 1.7999 with a 1% margin and anticipate the exchange rate to climb. If that occurs and you close the exchange rate at 1.8050 you would earn roughly $400. Forex is giving you a 40% return on your investment.

Forex offers the possibility of huge profits in relatively short periods of time. The stock exchange is very different in that positions are generally maintained over a longer period of time. Although there are day traders, Forex traders have much shorter hold times on positions. Similar to the stock market marginal accounts can be obtained in the Foreign Exchange Market as well.

Forex marginal accounts are very engaging as they allow Forex traders to take large positions without having to make a large deposit. In many circumstances one can fund a marginal account with .05% the necessary funds. In other words, $500 would allow a $100,000 position. In order to trade Forex effectively and profitably, one must have some type of method to follow. There are two methods used in determining what Foreign Exchange trades one should make. There are two methods, fundamental Forex analysis, and technical Forex analysis.

Technical analysis is the most commonly used practice and uses the assumption that the changes that occur in the Foreign Exchange Market happened for a reason and are accurate. The belief is that if a currency has been trading towards a high then that currency will mostly continue towards that high with the adverse being true as well. The technical Forex view does not try to make long term predictions about the market but instead simply tries to take advantage of what has already been seen in the past.

The fundamental Forex method takes into account all aspects of the country in which the currency is traded. Things such as the economy, the countries prime interest rates, war, poverty level, and other factors are taken into account. If there is a sharp rise in the prime interest rate a Forex trader may take a position based on that information.

Online Forex trading has the potential of being extremely lucrative. One can learn to trade by creating an online Forex Account and begin by using a learning account without real funds. This will help you to understand the Forex trading process and how currencies are affected by different things that are happening on a global scale.

Trading with Strategy

Trading with Strategy

Trading successfully is by no means a simple matter. It requires time, market knowledge and market understanding and a large amount of self restraint. ACM does not manage accounts, nor does it give market advice, that is the job of money managers and introducing brokers. As market professionals, we can however point the novice in the right direction and indicate what are correct trading tactics and considerations and what is total nonsense.

Anyone who says you can consistently make money in foreign exchange markets is being untruthful. Foreign exchange by nature, is a volatile market. The practice of trading it by way of margin increases that volatility exponentially. We are therefore talking about a very ’fast market’ which is naturally inconsistent. Following that precept, it is logical to say that in order to make a successful trade, a trader has to take into account technical and fundamental data and make an informed decision based on his perception of market sentiment and market expectation. Timing a trade correctly is probably the most important variable in trading successfully but invariably there will be times where a traders’ timing will be off. Don’t expect to generate returns on every trade.

In a perfect world, every trader would be looking at a 14 day RSI and making trading decisions based on that. If that was the case, when RSI would go under the 30 level, everyone would buy and by consequence the price would rise. Needless to say, the world is not perfect and not all market participants follow the same technical indicators, draw the same trendlines and identify the same support & resistance levels. The great diversity of opinions and techniques used translates directly into price diversity. Traders however have a tendency to use a limited variety of technical tools. The most common are 9 and 14 day RSI, obvious trendlines and support levels, fibonnacci retracement, MACD and 9, 20 & 40 day exponential moving averages. The closer you get to what most traders are looking at, the more precise your estimations will be. The reason for this is simple arithmetic, larger numbers of buyers than sellers at a certain price will move the market up from that price and vice-versa.

Learn How to Trade in Forex Market from the Basics

Forex trading is well known as a lucrative way to make money online. It has become an essential part for investor’s portfolio as you can gain thousands in minutes by trading currencies. For those who are new to the forex trading, Forex means Foreign Exchange Market where it involves buying and selling the different currencies of the world. Profits are made through the difference of selling and buying price - you earn when you buy-low and sell-high.

Forex market is a 24-hour market. The trade begins each day in Sydney, and moves around the globe to Tokyo, London, and then New York. Unlike any other financial market, investors can respond to money-value fluctuations caused by economic, social and political events at the time they occur - day or night. Major currencies traded nowadays are U.S. dollars, Australian Dollars, Japanese Yens, British Pounds, Swiss Francs, Canadian Dollars, and the Euro Dollars.

In the past, small speculators are not allowed to trade Forex freely as it is now. The minimum required business sizes are large and the financial requirements for trading foreign currencies are strict. Only huge multi-national cooperation and banks are able to fit into the business. In fact, large international banks are still the main players in currency exchange market. Deutsche Bank is one of the top currency traders; along with other major banks like UBS, Citi Group, HSBC, Barclays, J. P. Morgan Chase, Coldman Sachs, ABN Amro, Morgan Stanley, and Merril Lynch; these banks are said to be responsible for more than 70% trades in currency market. Forex trade is not open to the publics until year 1998, where big sized inter-bank units are sliced into smaller pieces and offered to individual traders.

It is simple to get started in Forex trading, an funded Forex account and a computer connected to the Internet is more than enough to get started. However, to start trading and become a successful Forex trader are totally different. Trading Forex is a high risks game and traders should always follow certain principals, listed below are a few of must-do’s when trading in Forex market.

1. Educate yourself before trading in Forex market

As in any trading markets, building up your trading skills and knowledge is the very first step that you must take. To further your learning in Forex trading, seminars, workshops, video tutorials, online learning, or even books are handful to help us learn from the professional.

2. Having a trading plans

A good trading plan is needed no matter you are a beginner or an expert in Forex trading. The Forex market itself is just a vehicle, to go to your desired destination, which is to gain profit and achieve financial freedom in our case, you have to drive your vehicle with maps and navigations. How much do you want to earn from the trades? How much you can afford to lose if things go wrong? What is the amount of capital you are putting in? Answer the questions to yourself when you are setting your trading plan. If you fail to plan, you are indeed plan to fail.

3. Mature mindsets and discipline trading

Trading Forex with discipline is very important. Success in Forex trading could not be achieved by only plotting out the best trading plan. It is also depends on implementing the trading plan. Be disciplined, trade according to your plan and never trade with your emotion. Greed will stop you from taking profit at predetermined level; while fear will stop you from making the nice kill in the market.

Without a doubt, Forex is getting more and more popular. There are less restrictions in FOREX market. No limited market access, no liquidity issues-after market hours, zero commission fees, low capital requirements, and no restrictions on short selling. However, the risks in Forex trading should not be taken for granted. As you can always trade in margin, you might lose a lot more than you can afford if you don’t plan your investment wisely. Seminars, e-Books, Internet, papers, plus video courses are all you need first before getting involved in the market.

Intro to Forex Fundamental Analysis

Intro to Forex Fundamental Analysis

The best course of action to take sometimes isn’t clear until you’ve listed and considered your alternatives. The following paragraphs should help clue you in to what the experts think is significant.

FOREX traders almost always rely on analysis to make plan their trading strategies. There are two basic types of FOREX analysis – technical and fundamental. This article will look at fundamental analysis and how it used in FOREX trading.

Fundamental analysis refers to political and economic conditions that may affect currency prices. FOREX traders using fundamental analysis rely on news reports to gather information about unemployment rates, economic policies, inflation, and growth rates.

Fundamental analysis is often used to get an overview of currency movements and to provide a broad picture of economic conditions affecting a specific currency. Most traders rely on technical analysis for plotting entry and exit points into the market and supplement their findings with fundamental analysis.

Currency prices on the FOREX are affected by the forces of supply and demand, which in turn are affected by economic conditions. The two most important economic factors affecting supply and demand are interest rates and the strength of the economy. The strength of the economy is affected by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), foreign investment and trade balance.


Various indicators are released by government and academic sources. They are reliable measures of economic health and are followed by all sectors of the investment market. Indicators are usually released on a monthly basis but some are released weekly.

Most of this information comes straight from the Forex Fundamental Analysis pros. Careful reading to the end virtually guarantees that you’ll know what they know.

Two of the most important fundamental indicators are interest rates and international trade. Other indicators include the Consumer Price Index (CPI), Durable Goods Orders, Producer Price Index (PPI), Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI), and retail sales.

Interest Rates - can have either a strengthening or weakening effect on a particular currency. On the one hand, high interest rates attract foreign investment which will strengthen the local currency. On the other hand, stock market investors often react to interest rate increases by selling off their holdings in the belief that higher borrowing costs will adversely affect many companies. Stock investors may sell off their holdings causing a downturn in the stock market and the national economy.

Determining which of these two effects will predominate depends on many complex factors, but there is usually a consensus amongst economic observers of how particular interest rate changes will affect the economy and the price of a currency.

International Trade – Trade balance which shows a deficit (more imports than exports) is usually an unfavourable indicator. Deficit trade balances means that money is flowing out of the country to purchase foreign-made goods and this may have a devaluing effect on the currency. Usually, however, market expectations dictate whether a deficit trade balance is unfavourable or not. If a county habitually operates with a deficit trade balance this has already been factored into the price of its currency. Trade deficits will only affect currency prices when they are more than market expectations.

Other indicators include the CPI – a measurement of the cost of living, and the PPI – a measurement of the cost of producing goods. The GDP measures the value of all goods and services within a country, while the M2 Money Supply measures the total amount of all currency.

There are 28 major indicators used in the United States. Indicators have strong effects on financial markets so FOREX traders should be aware of them when preparing strategies. Up-to-date information is available on many websites and many FOREX brokers supply this information as part of their trading service.

Take time to consider the points presented above. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action.

How to Win the Forex Battle

Every trading activity is in fact participating in a battle. Winning the battle is a matter of knowledge, skill and experience. If you miss any of those you are going to join the long line of losers. Some says that 95 to 99 percent of the traders are lining up on the loser’s side.

How to win the battle in the currency market? It is easy to answer that question, based on the above approach – prepare yourself for the battle. If you treat currency market activity as a hobby you’ll ultimately lose all investments there. If you treat it as a business you still may loose everything.

The correct approach is: consider each pressing of the Buy/Sell button as entering a battlefield. If you enter it without having a knowledge, skill and experience on how to win, you are destined to fail. You may have some lucky trades in the beginning, though. That, by the way, is the worst case scenario for the rookie in trading.

The earlier you get your “bad” lessons, the better for your overall experience. No mater how good you consider yourself prepared, after demo trading lessons, you have no idea of the forces ruling on the real market.

In fact the worst enemy you are going to face in the very beginning is not hiding behind the walls of the global currency trading centers. Your most dangerous foe is hiding deep inside of you. That enemy is so powerful that you will be amazed how quickly it will wash away all your carefully considered decision.

No one has been able to evade the force of that destructive power. No one can understand or realize that force unless it has been confronted face to face. Start trading with real money and you will face it too. Fear, Greed or Hope are some of the names of that power.

Fear forces you to sell near the bottom and buy near the top. Greed forces you to get out of the market prematurely. Hope will keep in the trade until you loose everything. Fear may save you but hope may wreck you completely. Greed will never make you rich.

It is easy to give advice to trade without emotions and use the logic, only. How you can achieve that if you never have been there. You need to go through that turmoil, pick up your loses due to your emotional decisions and than analyze.

Study all your “bad” trades, because they are the most precious gifts on the way to proficiency in trading. Growing as an experienced trader is possible only after getting your losses in the beginning. Then sit down and carefully study the lessons they brought to you.

One thing traders never want to do is to admit of being wrong. The market is a constantly changing and it demands flexibility in taking decision. That implies monitoring and constantly adjusting, changing your decision and action. When your logical analyzes suggest that you are wrong – get out, quickly.

Once you overcome the emotions, concentrate on developing your signature way of trading. You can start with following different advisors and system and picking from them the things you like. Demo trade and test your ideas until you find the trade system which is matching completely your personality.

Now, you have to go back to emotion in a controlled way. Every time your system suggests a trade look inside you and see how you feel about this trade. You feel bad – discard it. If you feel good – keep it.

Here comes the final step: Looking for the final approval sign before submitting the trade. Here is the time, where the mastership shows up. Your weapon is loaded, the target is clearly seen on the visor and the finger is on the trigger. You have to make that final exhale, get the target over the cross point and shoot it.

How much knowledge, skill, experience and patience you need to build within in order to reach that very final stage of trading proficiency? Only you’ll know that and only you can do it. The rest is just numbers in your bank account.

Building a fortune by trading currency is not a mirage in the desert of live. There are hundreds of traders who are making living of that business and you can do it too. Study all you can find on the net and follow the steps of the best if you want to win that battle.

How To Get Started In FOREX Trading

How To Get Started In FOREX Trading

The foreign exchange market (FOREX) offers many advantages to investors. But you need to know where to begin. This short guide will give you the FOREX basics, so you can quickly start participating in this fast growing market.

In the past, foreign exchange trading was limited to large players such as national banks and multi-national corporations. In the 1980’s the rules were changed to allow smaller investors to participate using margin accounts. Margin accounts are the reason why FOREX trading has become so popular. With a 100:1 margin account, you can control $100,000 with a $1,000 investment.

A Learning Curve

FOREX is not simple, though, so you’ll need some knowledge to make wise investment decisions. Although it is relatively easy to start trading on the FOREX, there are risks involved. Your first move as a beginner should be to find out as much as possible about the forex market before risking a dime.

Find A Forex Broker

FOREX traders usually require a broker to handle transactions. Most brokers are reputable and are associated with large financial institutions such as banks. A reputable broker will be registered as a Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as protection against fraud and abusive trade practices.

Open an Account with a forex borker

Opening a FOREX account is as simple as filling out a form and providing the necessary identification. The form includes a margin agreement which states that the broker may interfere with any trade deemed to be too risky. This is to protect the interests of the broker, since most trades are done using the broker’s money.

Once your account has been established, you can fund it and begin trading.

Many brokers offer a variety of accounts to suit the needs of individual investors. Mini accounts allow you to get involved in FOREX trading for as little as $250. Standard accounts may have a minimum deposit of $1000 to $2500, depending on the broker. The amount of leverage (how much borrowed money you can use) varies with account type. High leverage accounts give you more money to trade for a given investment.

Trades are commission-free, meaning that you can make many trades in one day without worrying about incurring high brokerage fees. Brokers make their money on the ’spread’: the difference between bid and ask prices.

Paper Trading Forex Market

Beginning traders are strongly advised get accustomed to FOREX by doing "paper trades" for a period of time. Paper trades are practice transactions that don’t involve real capital. They allow you to see how the system works while learning how to use the various software tools provided by most FOREX brokers.

Most online brokers have demo accounts that allow you to make free paper trades for up to 30 days. Every new FOREX investor should use these demo accounts at least until they are consistently showing profits.

FOREX Software

Each forex broker has its own set of software tools for making transactions, but there are a few tools that are common to all FOREX brokers. Real-time quotes, news feeds, technical analyses and charts, and profit-and-loss analyses are some of the features you can expect to see on most online brokers’ web sites.

Almost every broker operates on the Internet. To access a broker’s online services you’ll need a reasonably modern computer, a fast Internet connection, and an up-to-date operating system. Once your account is set up, you can access it from any computer just by entering your account name and password. If for some reason you are unable get to a computer, most brokers will allow you to make trades over the phone.

There are lots of ways to make money. FOREX trading is just one more potential stream of income — if you are prepared to learn and practice.

Forex Trading: The Perfect Forex Trading System

Trading the Forex market has become very popular in the last few years. But how difficult is it to achieve success in the Forex trading arena? Or let me rephrase this question, how many traders achieve consistent profitable results trading the Forex market? Unfortunately very few, only about 5% of traders achieve this goal. One of the main reasons of this is because Forex traders focus in the wrong information to make their trading decisions and totally forget about the most important factor: Price behavior.

Most Forex trading systems are made off technical indicators. But what are technical indicators? They are just a series of data points plotted in a chart; these points are derived from a mathematical formula applied to the price of any given currency pair. In other words, it is a chart of price plotted in a different way that helps us see other aspects of price.

There is an important implication on this definition of technical indicators. The fact that the readings obtained from them are based on price action. Take for instance a long MA crossover signal, the price has gone up enough to make the short period MA crossover the long period MA generating a long signal. Most traders see it as "the MA crossover made the price go up," but it happened the other way around, the MA crossover signal occurred because the price went up. Where I’m trying to get here is that at the end, price behavior dictates how an indicator will act, and this should be taken into consideration on any trading decision made.

Trading decisions based on technical indicators without taking price action into consideration will give us less accurate results. For example, again a long signal generated by a MA crossover as the market approaches an important resistance level. If the price suddenly starts to bounce back off that important level there is no point on taking this signal, price action is telling us the market doesn’t want to go up. Most of the time, under this circumstances, the market will continue to fall down, disregarding the MA crossover.

Don’t get me wrong here, technical indicators are a very important aspect of trading. They help us see certain conditions that are otherwise difficult to see by watching pure price action. But when it comes to pull the trigger, price action incorporation into our Forex trading system will definitely put the odds in our favor, it will generate higher probability trades.

So, how to create a perfect Forex trading system?

  1. First of all, you need to make sure your trading system fits your trading personality; otherwise you will find it hard to follow it. Every trader has different needs and goals, thus there is no system that perfectly fits all traders. You need to make your own research on various trading styles and technical indicators until you find a concept that perfectly works for you. Make sure you know the nature of whatever technical indicator used.

  2. Secondly, incorporate price action into your system. So you only take long signals if the price behavior tells you the market wants to go up, and short signals if the market gives you indication that it will go down.

  3. Third, and most importantly, you need to have the discipline to follow your Forex trading system rigorously. Try it first on a demo account, then move on to a small account and finally when feeling comfortably and being consistent profitable apply your system in a regular account.

Forex Trading Systems

Forex Trading Systems

You should build your own trading system

A trading system on the Forex market is a type of strategy that allows traders to trade with a set of rules. There are many free trading systems and strategies printed in trading articles, journals, books and on trading-related websites. I would have to say that if you are not inclined to learn how to develop your own trading methodology, then perhaps you should consider giving your money for someone else to invest. Give it to someone who is trading a system that he developed and tested himself because he is more likely to have the confidence and courage to follow his own trading system.

Why you need a forex trading system?

  1. It’s easy to trade with a system.
  2. A good system provides consistent result.
What makes a good trading system?
  • It’s simple. Forget complicated systems with lots of rules - it’s a proven fact that simple systems work better - and are less likely to fail, in the brutal world of trading.
  • A trading system with profitable expectation.
  • It provides good ratio of reward/risk.
  • A system of comprehensive risk management including market exposure weightings, stop-loss provisions and capital commitment guidelines that preserve capital during trend-less or volatile periods.

Once you learn how to develop trading systems and strategies, you can then be better equipped to test them as well. By this point you might even find that the system created by yourself is the best one for you, because it becomes the system more suited to your profit objectives while operating within your risk tolerance levels. It is likely that once you develops this level of competence, you will simply acquire other trading systems only to dissect them, grab the parts you likes and add them to your own system. To me, the irony is that for a trader to know which system to purchase, you must first learn how to create a system. And after knowing how to create a system, he will no longer have the need to buy one.

Forex Trading System: Discretionary vs. Mechanical Systems

Forex Trading System: Discretionary vs. Mechanical Systems

There are basically two types of Forex trading systems, mechanical and discretionary systems. The trading signals that come out of mechanical systems are mainly based off technical analysis applied in a systematic way. On the other hand, discretionary systems use experience, intuition or judgment on entries and exits. But which one produces better results? Or more importantly, which one fits better your trading style? We will first analyze the pros and cons about each system approach.

Mechanical systems

This kind of trading system can be automated and backtested efficiently. It has very rigid rules. Mechanical traders are less susceptible to emotions than discretionary traders.

Most traders backtest Forex trading systems incorrectly. In order to produce accurate results you need tick data. The Forex market is always changing. The Forex market (and all markets) has a random component. The market conditions may look similar, but they are never the same. A trading system that worked successfully the past year doesn’t necessary mean it will work this year.

Discretionary systems

Discretionary systems are easily adaptable to new market conditions. Trading decisions are based on experience. Traders learn to see which trading signals have higher probability of success.

DisadvantagesThey cannot be backtested or automated, since there is always a thought decision to be made. It takes time to develop the experience required to trade successfully and track trades in a discretionary way. At early stages this can be dangerous.

Now, which approach is better for Forex traders? The one that fits better your personality. For instance, if you are a trader that finds it hard to follow your trading signals, then you are better off using a mechanical system, where your judgment won’t play an important role in your system. You only take the trades that your system signals.

If the psychological barriers that affect every trader (fear, greed, anger, etc.) puts you in unwanted scenarios, you are also better off trading mechanical systems, because you only need to follow what your system is telling you, go short, go long, close a trade. No other decision has to be made.

On the other hand, if you are a disciplined trader, then you are better off using a discretionary system, because discretionary systems adapt to the market conditions and you are able to change your trading conditions as the market changes. For instance, you have a target of 60 pips on a long trade. But the market suddenly starts trending up pretty strongly, then you could move your target to say 100 pips.

Does it mean that trading a discretionary system has no rules? This is absolutely incorrect. Trading discretionary systems means that once a trader finds his/her setup, the trader then decides what to do. But every trader still needs certain rules that need to be followed, such as the size of the position, conditions that have to be met before thinking to get in the market, and so on.

Whether you choose to be a discretionary or a mechanical trader there are some important points you should take in consideration:

  1. You need to make sure the Forex trading system you are using totally fits your personality. Otherwise you will find yourself outguessing your system.
  2. You also need to have some rules and most importantly have the discipline to follow them.
  3. Take your time to build the perfect system for you. It’s not easy and requires time and hard work, but at the end, if done correctly, it will give you consistent profitable results.
  4. Before going live, try it on a demo account or even on a small account (I will go for the second option, since psychological barriers will be present.)